For the last 30 years, I've been standing at the door... now it's time to take a seat at the table.
I finally did it! I’m running for Dallas ISD District 9 Trustee. Over the last 30 years of my active involvement in Dallas ISD and raising four children, I learned how good policy can make an immediate difference for kids, educators, and parents.

Meet Ms. Wallace
For more than 30 years, I have been a Dallas ISD parent and community organizer in South Dallas. A graduate of James Madison High School, I raised four children in Dallas ISD, I have served on PTOs, PTAs, as a substitute teacher, and even on the Dallas ISD board president’s Code of Conduct reforms task force working hand in hand with the district, parents, and students for decades.

Why I'm Running
Parents love their children. Educators want to help their students. And kids just want to succeed. I’ve experienced these challenges first-hand. We will face them together, hand in hand. The time has come to take action.
I believe students, schools, and parents, have the right to expect protection and a feeling of security, from physical or emotional harm. People have to be in a place they trust and feel safe to teach and learn. It is this lack of a feeling of safety that impedes learning.
Safety & Mental Health

Many times the biggest issues we have around enrollment, student performance, and even teacher retention are being addressed through large initiatives or ‘innovative’ programs creating additional expense and labor. I believe funding communications infrastructure, extracurriculars, and paying teachers a living wage would have a greater impact.
Basics Before Innovation
My priority is to work to support policy that will improve communications infrastructure internally as well as externally/. While there are templates for critical situations, staff turnover impacts whether or not someone is assigned and trained to execute those communications. This affects campus safety, academic, and campus culture.
Communication, Trust, and a Culture of Public Service
Ensuring culturally competent leadership is a critical priority. Our leaders must not only relate to the community they serve, but be embedded in it. I have consistently witnessed administrators who are not performing well in their roles or are disliked by staff and students be moved to even more influential positions.
Leadership Embedded in the Community
Testimony at Texas Supreme Court with CSG Justice Center
Her son was removed from school without any efforts to address underlying behavioral issues.